NB Ventura County, CA - Welcome and Visitors Center

    Location - NBVC Port Hueneme Site

    Location - NBVC Port Hueneme Site is located at 1000 23rd Avenue, Bldg. 1169, Port Hueneme, CA 93042. Location - NBVC Port Hueneme Site can be reached by their main phone number at (805) 982-5037. The listed DSN line is 312-551-5037.

    Location - NBVC Point Mugu Site

    Location - NBVC Point Mugu Site is located at 311 Main Road, Bldg. 225, Point Mugu, CA 93042. Location - NBVC Point Mugu Site can be reached by their main phone number at (805) 989-8146. The listed DSN line is 312-351-8146.